Trains Running between Stations

Trains between Stations

Indian Railways operates around 21000 local and long-distance trains daily in order to fulfill the traveling needs of passengers. As we know there are lots of trains that are run by Indian Railways, but you are only interested in the trains that run on your route.

So, for that, you can check trains running between your source and destination stations. The trains between stations give you the list of trains that pass through your source station and go to the destination station.

How to check trains running between two stations?

The trains between stations enquiry give you all the trains that run on your route. To check the trains running between two stations, one needs to go to the trains between stations enquiry page. Once reached there, enter the station name or code in the search box and click on the 'search' Button. After that, it will display the list of trains that runs on your route along with other information like train names and number, departure time, arrival time, running days, distance, and so on.

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